At the Women’s Health Clinic we have specialized Family Practitioners and trained Nurses that are ready to help you.

Cervical Cancer Screening

Our trained nursing staff are happy to help with routine cervical cancer screening.
(Amanda Kennard LPN, Christina Anderson LPN, Terry Duce LPN, Shelly Prince LPN and Isabelle Heggie RN)

Women who are sexually active and are between the ages of 25 and 69 should have a PAP test every 3 years.

If you have had a hysterectomy you generally DO NOT need a PAP. If you have concerns about this guideline, please discuss it with your doctor. He can best direct you!

If you do not fit the standard criteria but feel you may need a pap, please do not hesitate to discuss this with your doctor. He can evaluate your situation and schedule you with a nurse or women’s health doctor to have it completed as needed!

Women’s Sexual, and Reproductive
Health Clinic

We have Family Practitioners who specialize in women’s sexual and reproductive health come to Mainstreet Medical. They can be seen for the following:

  • Intrauterine device (IUD) insertion or removal

  • Intrauterine biopsies

  • Birth control implant or removal (Nexplanon)

  • One-time consultation for reproductive or specific women’s health concerns.

  • Pelvic organ prolapse issues (which may include pessary fitting)

  • PAPS (non-routine)

**Please see your family physician to be referred. Referrals can be faxed to 403-653-1098.

Trinette Hilderman (receptionist), Dr. Finola Hackett, Dr. Michelle Thibodeau, Shelly Prince (LPN)
(missing Dr. McKayla Cozart)